Maybe you know what you would like to do?... maybe you don't?
We can help you even at this very early stage to pin down some viable schemes to fit your house and your budget. We can advise you on what would work and what certainly wouldn't.

Most projects will require Planning Consent from the Local Authority. This requires a set of plans to be drawn and submitted to the Council for approval. The next stage once planning approval is given, is for Building Regulation Approval. At this stage they are looking to assess the technical side of the build and hence for this purpose a more detailed set of plans is normally submitted showing any required structural details.
Ideally work should not commence on site until both of these elements are secured.
Even if a project does not require Full Planning Consent every build will require Building Regulation Approval.
If you do not have an Architect or Draughts Person in mind we can recommend a number of individuals – all of whom we have worked with in the past.
Most will offer you various levels of service and hence different levels of costs. From just drawing the plans to submitting all of the relevant information to the Council. They would discuss this with you directly in more detail.
An accurate quote can only be given once we are in receipt of a full set of Building Regulation Plans. Any breakdown of costs prior to this would be an estimate only. Our quotes or estimates are fully broken down into the various elements of the build so it is very clear what is and what isn’t included in the overall total.
If you decide to accept the quote and appoint us as your main contractor a start date will be agreed and a contract, signed by both parties, including a schedule of works will be drawn up.
Any amendments made during the build will always be discussed, documented and subsequent adjustments to costs itemised on monthly statements.